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Making Healthcare Better

Accelerated Specialist Assessment


Integrated Solutions for NHS

Using the industry-leading digital triage platform, Virtual Lucy TM,
our Specialists rapidly assess patient needs and put them on the right trajectory for recovery


HBSUK provide solutions,  via the use of expertly re-designed pathways, for all capacities in MSK triage. Access to Virtual Lucy offers extra benefit to these innovative solutions


HBSUK's own 'EyePathway' offers a unique solution that can be used throughout Primary, Secondary and Community care.




With an innovative digital triage platform and national network of Dermatologists, 80% of the dermatology pathway can be managed remotely



Patient Centric

Our digital triage platform Virtual Lucy TM provides the glue to engage the whole healthcare system to work in conjunction as one.


Virtual Lucy puts patients at the centre, with every aspect having the aim to provide patients with the best possible care, in the best possible timeframes, using the best possible technology.


The platform revolves around patient care, with every aspect from the original E-triage, to the expert consultant diagnosis' and monitoring of outcomes post-consultation/recovery.

Integrated Virtual Pathway Redesign​


Our team of clinical and technical experts will design a service-specific pathway to improve efficiency and deliver the best possible care.


Our pathways are always lean, innovative and



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Waiting List Validation


Virtual Lucy Clinical Validation can be done seamlessly via a phone or video consultation, with auto generated letters shared with the patient and the GP. We can Clinically Validate a Surgical waiting list in just a few weeks, making sure that the most appropriate patients get access to surgical intervention first using the standardised P1-6 FSSA Pandemic scoring tool.


Clinical validation process

Digital Triage


Patients are asked to complete a short series of questions to determine the correct specialist for their problem. This could be a physiotherapist, an Advance practice physiotherapist or a Consultant depending on the problem. 


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Electronic Appointment Booking


Patients are then instantly directed to the online booking booking system and can choose from a range of available clinicians. Each clinician has a profile and a picture to help the patient make the right choice for them. Appointments can be via either video or phone.

Book an appointment
Choose a clinician



Before the consultation patients a prompted to complete some general health questions and

some problem specific questions. This allows the clinician to have a good understanding of the patient problem prior to the consultation. 


Accelerated Specialist Assessment


Each patient has an assessment with the correct specialist. During the consultation the clinician they will agree a diagnosis and management plan or refer on for diagnostics or face to face consultation. All notes are recorded in real time and appointment letter is generated and shared with the patient instantly at the end of the appointment. 


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Diagnostics Referral & Review


If the patient requires further investigations, like an MRI scan they can be referred to a local centre instantly during the consultation. All scans are uploaded into our cloud based PACS system and can be shown to the patients via a secure sharing link so that the patient and clinician can both see and discuss the images during the consultation. 




Our integrated rehab application contains various

evidence-based customisable rehab plans. 

Patients can view and track their exercises,

record important things like pain and chat to their therapist via instant messaging. 

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Patient Portal with Shared Notes


Each case shows as a timeline of events on the patients portal, so that patients know exactly what is happening next. They can access all the appointment documents, reports and images securely in one place.


Referral for Surgical Intervention


Integrated geo-mapping search engine for:


  • Diagnostic network

  • Onward surgical review

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Collection of PROMS and PREMS


Patients are given the opportunity to record their appointment satisfaction straight after the consultation.

If they report that they did not understand the plan or were not happy, they are offered a call back.

We also collect Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) for which we use the MSK-HQ so that patients can record their recovery over time. 

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Satisfaction Outcomes


A recent review of our patient understanding and satisfaction outcomes indicates the highly positive experience of our patients.


  • Friends and Family Test - average score of 8.7/10

  • Accelerated Clinical Assessment - average of 97% across the board for clinician and patient understanding

  • 100% of patient reported that they have a clear plan of what happens next


These results correlate to the quality of service our expert team of clinicians are delivering on a daily bases.

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Virtual Lucy™

Virtual Lucy is our expert Virtual Triage Application designed for patients. Using friendly Apple technology Lucy supports  patients from referral through assessment, treatment and rehabilitation.


Virtual Lucy is HBSUK's pathway re-design for Virtual clinics; harnessing the expertise of our Specialist Consultants and blending with our ESP and Physio knowledge.

Quality Framework

'Focusing on Patients at the heart of all we do using our wrap-around governance'

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