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HBSUK logo
Making Healthcare Better
Clinical services provider for NHS
International Nurse Recruitment

As an innovative digital healthcare platform for Virtual Triage, Virtual Lucy is an end-to-end cloud-based solution for supporting Virtual Clinics, from referral to rehab.

Digital triage and online consultations

Supporting virtual clinics from referral to rehab.
We provide plethora of digital triage solutions through Dermatology, MSK, Ophthalmology and Mental Health.

NHS Insourcing

HBSUK are across the majority of recognised NHS Insourcing  Frameworks.

We get people the care they need, quickly

We get people quickly to the right care for their needs and can provide extra clinical capacity to deliver safe and effective on-site care.

Virtual Lucy - our digital triage platform - rapidly connects patients to clinical experts - ours or yours - for assessments that typically lead to 50% reductions in outpatient waiting lists.

We reduce your waiting list backlog by deploying entire clinical teams to your facilities in under 4 weeks.

Our digital-first approach is proven to increase access to healthcare and reduce health inequalities.

Our Medical Board includes some of the country’s most senior clinicians, who oversee our safe and high quality services.

We are on 11 NHS procurement frameworks and our NHS Digital-approved technology integrates with NHS IT systems.

NHS Logo

Integrated Solutions for NHS

Anchor 1

Our Solutions


Accelerated Specialist Assessment

Being the triage professionals, HBSUK offer a plethora of triage solutions through MSK, Ophthalmology, Dermatology and Mental Health. All Triage solutions benefit from free access to Virtual Lucy™.

Full Remote
Dermatology Service

With an innovative digital triage platform and national network of Dermatologists, 80% of the dermatology pathway can be managed remotely.


Cost-effective insourcing solutions through a full range of services - capacity solutions, resourcing, triage services, pathway redesigns, private market opportunities, as well as portfolio management and consultancy services.​

End-to-End Solutions: from the patient entering the hospital, to leaving post-surgery. This extends to day-case and in-patient surgery and clinics.

PTL Validation

HBSUK offer a winning formula through the use of patient flow modelling, as well as pathway redesign and reconstruction. The potential solutions we provide can emphatically enhance both efficiency and productivity within your Trust.

International Nurse Recruitment

Use our established supply chains for International Nurse Recruitment. 


No companies between you and the source of qualified nurses from abroad. We provide Nursing HUBS abroad to deliver "finished nurses" to UK Trusts as directed by Health Education England (HEE).

Service Management

HBSUK can run your internal services with our on-site management teams

We are specialists in Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics and Dermatology.

How we help YOU


No fines, penalties or claims 

ISO, CQC, GIRFT, NICE compliance 


Revenue, Profits & Market Share

Increased revenue 

Increased profitability

Increased market share

Delighted shareholders / stakeholders

Patient Satisfaction

Happier patients


Minimal complaints 

Reduced waiting times

Cost Effectiveness

More for less

Meeting RTT targets at below-tariff rates


Quality Performance

Achieve performance targets e.g. RTT Targets

Virtual Lucy platform image
Virtual Lucy platform screenshot



Virtual Lucy is our expert Virtual Triage Application designed for patients. Using friendly Apple technology, Lucy supports  patients from referral through assessment, treatment and rehabilitation.


Virtual Lucy is HBSUK's pathway re-design for Virtual clinics; harnessing the expertise of our Specialist Consultants and blending with our ESP and Physio knowledge 

Hotline Consultant

User Experiences


Our profits, visibility, control, integrity and presence have increased exponentially

Ortho Health LLP

HBSUK are very professional; could answer all our questions and were able to set-up our LLP inside 2 weeks of our first meeting

Ajit Shetty
Chairman - YOA

The lists are now by far the most efficient in the Trust!

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