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  • Writer's pictureVelichka Andreeva

HBSUK has appointed Dr Masood Nazir as part of its medical advisory board

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

HBSUK helps healthcare providers reduce waiting times by providing online outpatient services and on-site clinical capacity. Their focus is on giving people choice in accessing the right care to meet their needs when it’s needed.

HBSUK have appointed Dr Masood Nazir as the most recent member of their Medical Advisory Board, which includes some of the country’s most senior clinicians. The Medical Advisory Board oversees HBSUK’s safe and high-quality services.

Dr Masood Nasir

Dr Nazir has over 21 years of experience working in general practice, currently working as a general medical practitioner at Hall Green Health in Birmingham. Alongside his work as a GP, he has held prominent roles locally and nationally. He is currently Chief Clinical Information Officer (CCIO) at NHS Birmingham & Solihull ICB, and formerly worked as the Director for Digital Primary Care at NHSX. He has been instrumental in delivering large scale transformation projects such as the NHS Patient Online programme.

He is passionate about creating a joined-up health system for patients, which will lead to safer and more effective care.

Dr Nazir explained what he hopes to bring to the team:

“What I try to bring to the table is both the years of clinical experience I have gained, but also the knowledge of the complex NHS landscape. There continue to be system challenges through organisational silos; however, with the right leadership and teams you can deliver the best care and experience for patients.”

Dr Nazir described what he looks forward to working on with HBSUK:

“HBSUK are providing clinical pathway advice and support to improve patient experience and reduce the burden on the NHS. A lot of people are anxiously waiting longer times for care, with little knowledge of how long the queue is. HBSUK have real opportunities to assess patients more quickly and safely, so the sickest are identified sooner and treated, as well as reassuring the others with earlier clinical diagnoses. We should be learning from this and not just fixing the queues for the moment but putting in place future resilience in the system, so there are manageable waiting times.”

Mark Fountain, Founder and CEO of HBSUK said:

“We are pleased to have Masood join our growing Medical Advisory Board. He brings a wealth of experience and will be a great asset to our team. We welcome his guidance and expertise in supporting us to innovate and deliver new pathways for healthcare providers.”


Notes to Editors

For more about HBSUK visit:

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